
Meet the FCCN Team!

The Early Care and Education Projects (ECEP) Family Child Care Network (FCCN), hosted by the University of Arkansas' College of Education and Health Professions, has been operating since 1992. ECEP's overarching goal is to enhance the quality of care and education for young children across Arkansas. The mission of ECEP is to educate, connect, and equip early childhood professionals.

The FCCN specifically aims to fulfill this mission by fostering relationships, expanding knowledge, and sharing resources with family child care providers throughout the state. Its objectives include increasing the number of licensed and registered family child care homes, supporting providers in implementing trauma-informed care and other best practices, and elevating the overall quality of family child care in Arkansas.

To achieve these goals, the FCCN offers a range of resources, training sessions, and networking opportunities. These initiatives are designed to help family child care providers enhance the quality of care they offer, stay informed about the latest best practices, and connect with other professionals in the field.

Overall, the FCCN plays a crucial role in supporting and empowering family child care providers, ultimately contributing to the improved well-being and development of young children in Arkansas.

Here is the FCCN Team's favorite things about working with the 

Family Child Care Network!

Do you struggle to find time to move your body or feel stressed with everyday tasks? Yoga could be a solution for you! Yoga has been shown to:

  • Improve attention and focus

  • Increase balance and coordination

  • Develop core strength and motor development

  • Strengthen the immune system

  • Create feelings of confidence rather than competitiveness

The three main concepts of yoga are movement, breathing, and mindfulness. While many people feel that they cannot move correctly in yoga, it is important to remember that modifications can be made. Yoga is all about moving in a way that feels right to your body. Also don’t forget that breathing and mindfulness are practices in which everyone can participate. 

Incorporating breathing and yoga techniques with children should be fun! There are many silly songs, poems, and books to go along with yoga. The ABC’s of Yoga, You are a Lion, and Breathe Like Bear are some Curricula Concepts favorites.

Interested in more information about yoga in the classroom? Check out our trainings Trauma-Informed Yoga (2 hours of PDR credit) and Move It! Yoga in the Classroom (1.5 hours of PDR credit). Reach out to for more information!

Join us as we talk with April Agnew about 'What is your Why'!  

If you missed any of the previous Well-Being Wednesdays, you can check it out on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel.

Check it out:

Facebook link

YouTube link

Please see the OEC (Office of Early Childhood) provider notes below and the meeting video link.

Meeting Video

OEC Staff Directory

  • OEC Updates (Tonya Williams)

    • Hot Weather Vehicle Alert- Reminder to pay close attention to detail and procedures when transporting children

    • Physical Move to Arkansas Department of Education

      • 2 Capitol Mall - Physical Address

    • Phones

    • External Mail

      • 4 Capitol Mall - Mailing Address

    • Town Hall

      • Additional Town Hall meetings will be scheduled for the fall to allow OEC to connect and network with ECE providers.

    • Office of Early Childhood Rules

      • 7 rules total

      • Better Beginnings- 1 rule

      • Licensing- 4 rules

      • Birth to Pre-K Credential- 1 rule

      • Arkansas Better Chance- 1 rule

    • Arkansas is #1

      • States with the Best Early Education System

  • CLASS Pilot (Lori Bridges)

    • CLASS Pilot Phase 1 - Located in the catchment area of a Cohort 1 Local Lead

    • During the CLASS Pilot Learning Year there will be NO ERS evaluations unless:

      • Programs are wanting to level up in Better Beginnings

      • New program needing Better Beginnings certification

    • Contact: Paige Cox:

    • Local Lead Website

  • Academic Approval (Dawn Jeffrey)

  • Child Care for Child Care Workers (Brandy Ishmon)

    • Employer Requirements for Early Childhood Employees

      • Arkansas licensed or registered child care provider

      • Provider must have an active CCDF Participant Agreement

      • Provider verification of employment for employees

    • Child Care Staff/Employee Requirements

      • At least one adult in the household must be actively employed in an Arkansas licensed or registered child care program. The program must have an active CCDF Participant Agreement.

        • Eligibility can be a combination of work, school, or a training program to equal 20 hours. This can include multiple jobs. The full 20 hours does not have to be at the child care provider job.

          • If there are two adults in the household, both must meet the work/school/training program 20-hour requirement.

          • Income guidelines are waived. However, all household income must be submitted.

            • Households with assets in excess of $1 million will be denied. 

    • As of the end of June 2024, this program is serving appx 2,000 additional children.

    • The program is a resource for children up to 13 years old (out of school time/after school or summer care)

    • Contact: Brandy Ishmon -

Next Child Care Provider Call: September 3, 2024 - 12 pm


Curricula Concepts Inc. is offering trainings in person and online via Zoom for families and educators! Go to our Training Calendar to sign up! Have questions or problems with registering for trainings? Contact Deborah at!

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