
Please give a very warm welcome to the newest member of our team! Robin is serving south Arkansas as a Be Well Care Well Coach and we are so happy to have her!

Who inspires you professionally or personally? And why?

My children inspire me professionally and personally. When I became a mother in 2006, I made a vow to 
God that I would handle His gifts as such. Everything that I do is to inspire, lead, and guide my girls to 
becoming the best possible humans that they can be for themselves while doing the will of God as 
servants among His creation.

What are some of your hobbies?

My hobbies include reading, writing, singing, and playing games/sports with my family. I also enjoy sleeping and shopping. I enjoy taking nature walks in the Fall. Fall is my favorite season, so I can be caught at Fall sports activities. Football season is my favorite!

What is your most treasured accomplishment?

I believe that my most treasured accomplishment is raising three tiny humans to thrive into beautiful, brilliant, big-hearted young ladies. I pride myself in others knowing who I am by the fruit that I bear.

What do you do to treat yourself?

I drive to tiny locally owned shops and purchase items only for me. The Artesana Soap Shop and Kaboom Nutrition are my go-to "not guilty" pleasures. I also fill-up online carts and choose the items that I must have before checking out. 

What is one thing you cannot do without?

I absolutely cannot live without grace. We all have stories to tell and crosses to bear. My story is unique to me, and I know that I would not be alive to tell of God's greatness if not for His grace. 

This month at Curricula Concepts we are digging into the question- “What is your Why? The same question can be asked of health and wellness habits. Our “whys” can vary based on our personal interests and needs. My personal why for exercising is because it helps me work out some stress and think more clearly. Others may exercise with the hopes of reaching a personal goal like a 5K or going on a hike with family or friends. Many exercise for the continued ability to do things with their kids or grandkids.

As childcare providers and parents, it is beneficial for us to examine our why and express that to the children that follow our example. As adults, we help to lay the foundation for healthy habits for the littlest ones in our lives. The challenge for today is to consider your own why: for exercising, for choosing to eat fruits and vegetables, for working with young children. Take a few minutes today to reflect on yourself and how you can be a more positive role model for our children.

Need help setting goals for your childcare center? Reach out to us at and see how we can help today!

Join us as we talk with Anna Johnson and Grayson Craig about emotional wellness

If you missed any of the previous Well-Being Wednesdays, you can check it out on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel.

Check it out:

Facebook link

YouTube link

If you weren't able to join in, here is the link to the OEC (Office of Early Childhood) provider call video link. We will also be sending out a summary of highlights because we know how busy you are! So be on the lookout for this in the very near future!


Curricula Concepts Inc. is offering trainings in person and online via Zoom for families and educators! Go to our Training Calendar to sign up! Have questions or problems with registering for trainings? Contact Deborah at!

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“By all these lovely tokens September days are here.

With summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer.”

— Helen Hunt Jackson

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