Thank you to each and every person that we’ve had the privilege and honor to partner with over the last 10 years! It’s true that time flies when you’re having fun and doing what you love. It’s been our greatest joy to connect and partner with so many in and outside of Arkansas and work together with and on behalf of young children, families and the ECE workforce.
We have most certainly evolved over the years, but our focus has not; promoting positive relationships between educators, children, and their families. Relationships have been at the core of everything we do and we want you to know how much we value and hold dear our relationship with each and every one of you. Past, present, and future.
We’re always considering what we can do different or better to support our goal and always welcome feedback from you.
Thank you for ten amazing years and here's to many more! Keep watch for exciting things to come soon!
Jamie Ward and the Curricula Concepts Team |
We are looking forward to bringing you new training options. We’d like to find out a little more about what types of professional development and family engagement opportunities early childhood programs need.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to complete the short survey! It closes March 31st and your input matters! |
Training Survey |
Wellness Corner
National Child Nutrition Month
March is National Child Nutrition Month!
Did you know that CDC research shows that 1 in 2 children (Ages 1-5) are not eating a daily vegetable and 1 in 3 are not eating a daily fruit? Our new SPAN:Child Nutrition course will give you the chance to learn strategies and tools you can implement to improve nutrition at your program.
You will receive 2 PDR hours of training, resources, and materials focused around the importance of child nutrition and creating a healthy eating environment. You can also participate in coaching based around your program’s needs and goals. Completing this training is a great way to help boost those Better Beginnings levels! Reach out to Jessica Moreland at jessica@curriculaconcepts.com to schedule your training today!
*Hamner HC, Dooyema CA, Blanck HM, et al. Fruit, Vegetable, and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake Among Young Children, by State — United States, 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:165–170. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm7207a1 |
Highlights from the DCCECE Provider Call March 7, 2023
Transportation Safety
Guest Speaker- Tammy Jones (Bouncy- The Service Dog)
Meet Bouncy- https://rippleeffects.com/pre-k-1/
Breathing Bouncy is an animatronic dog.
Bouncy is a lovable, multi-breed, disabled, smaller-than-average, fictional service dog who provides skill training, guidance, and emotional comfort to children four-to-seven years old, and older kids in special education programs. Bouncy’s prosthetic is a signifier of vulnerability; it’s what makes him lovable and accessible. His service dog vest signals authority and strength; it’s what makes him trustworthy.
$1,349 per classroom
Tammy Jones: 501-269-0420, tammyjones3300@yahoo.com
Guest Speaker- Rita Ward (Child Care Provider-COVID Funding)
SB 294 Arkansas Learns
Enterprise Licensing System (ELS):
American Rescue Plan Act:
A Maintenance payment was released on February 28, 2023.
Another payment will be released for maintenance within the next few weeks.
All licensed providers will receive a payment with the remaining funding based on Better Beginnings level and licensed capacity (By September 30, 2023)
Contact: paige.cox@dhs.arkansas.gov
Better Beginnings:
Check out the updated tool kit: www.arbetterbeginnings.com
Contact: Kelli Hilburn, Program Administrator, 870-280-6258, kelli.hilburn@dhs.arkansas.gov
DCCECE Contact: Dawn Jeffrey, dawn.jeffrey@dhs.arkansas.gov
Background Checks:
Reach out if you’ve been waiting more than 30 days for an out-of-state background check
Contact: backgroundcheck@dhs.arkansas.gov
Be sure to include the Search ID in the email
DCCECE Contact: Brinda Burr, brinda.burr@dhs.arkansas.gov
DCCECE Contact: Kayla Bodi, kayla.bodi@dhs.arkansas.gov
Empowerment Minimum Licensing Intent Training:
Thursday, March 16, 2023 (6:30 pm-8:30 pm)
Programs should contact their licensing specialist to pre-register and receive the Zoom link
PDR Training Credit provided
Monthly Background Check Training:
Next DCCECE Provider Call: April 4, 2023
If you'd like to learn more, you can watch the meeting on the DCCECE DHS Youtube
Save the Date for Well-being Wednesdays! Join us for Well-Being Wednesday on the first Wednesday of every month, hosted by Susanna Creed! For more details and the event itself, be sure to like and follow our Facebook page!
Curricula Concepts Inc. is offering trainings online via Zoom for families and educators!
Go to our Training Calendar to sign up! Have questions or problems with registering for trainings? Contact Deborah at deborah@curriculaconcepts.com! |
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.”
- Oprah Winfrey |