How many years have you worked with children?
In general, 40 years. But in a professional setting, I have worked with children for 19.5 years.
What brought you to work with children? Have you always wanted to or did it just happen?
The short story is children have always been my passion. It’s like I have this secret code with them. I will walk in somewhere and immediately kids come to me. I wink at them or smile at them, and they always get the biggest smile on their faces.
What are some of your hobbies?
I love to watch my sons play sports (ANY sport). We are a very competitive family, so whatever we are playing, we are out to win!
What is your most treasured accomplishment?
My children. They are very good people, and I am so proud.
What is your favorite thing about working with children?
They are so honest, and I am honest, so it works really well!
What has been the most significant or memorable moment in your job?
I have had several. I have the same moment, every day, when I start down the stairs and the kids immediately run to me. They genuinely love me, I genuinely love them, and no one can ever be loved too much! Not everyone gets to experience that kind of love, and they especially don’t get to experience it daily.
Do you have any dreams or aspirations you want to share?
I’m pretty fulfilled. I have dreams that all of my children growing better people because we have crossed paths, because I know I am a better person because they have crossed mine. Each child has brought something different too my life, and I am thankful for that.
If you are an educator and want to share your story, contact Deborah at!